Sunday, November 16, 2008

Landscape Miss

This week I had skimmed a few articles (here and here) on digital blending. After having browsed through some thoroughly inspiring photos in David Nunuk's "Natural Light: Visions of British Columbia," I had some strong motivation to attempt a landscape photo.

Things didn't quite go as planned. After waiting out a typical featureless gray sky day here in Vancouver, I had come out of a North Van pub to witness a bright orange band of light horizontally splitting the dark clouds over downtown Vancouver, just before dusk. I rushed uphill to find a good vantage point, and after having climbed a flagpole in order to gain access to a municipal schoolboard rooftop, managed to get only one shot before my batteries choked.

At least one image short of the number required to do any sort of blending, I headed home empty handed, taunted by another spectacular view of the Vancouver skyline as I crossed the Ironworkers' Memorial Bridge on the way into Burnaby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you climbed a flagpole?!I'm impressed lol. You don't know how many times I've been tempted to trespess on someone's property to get a shot...